Railroad & Warehouse Commissioner, 1902 Election


Date: November 4, 1902
Cycle: 1902
Office: Railroad & Warehouse Commissioner
State: Minnesota
District: Statewide
Candidate Gender Party Votes Percent Margin
Charles F. (C.F.) Staples Incumbent Man Republican 155,296 61.28 +27.91
James Madison (J.M.) Bowler Man Democrat 84,559 33.37
Fred C. (F.C.) Gibbs Man People's 13,577 5.36

This election for this seat was for a four-year term. Commissioner Staples was reelected to a second term.

Bowler was a resident of Minneapolis, former state Dairy and Food Commissioner, former state Representative (HD 34, 1878-1879), People's nominee of the 3rd CD in 1894, Democratic-People's nominee for Lieutenant Governor in 1896 and 1898, and Democratic nominee for the 5th CD in 1916.

Gibbs was a resident of Waterville and editor of the Waterville Gazette.


  • The Legislative Manual of the State of Minnesota, 1903 (p. 515).