Mike Christopherson Candidate

Born: January 6, 1970
Resided: Crookston, Minnesota
Polk County
Death: --
Gender: Man
Occupation: Snior admissions counselor, Univeristy of Minnesota Crookston
Political Party: Democratic-Farmer-Labor
Notes: Christopherson was a former newspaper reporter and managing editor.
Sources: KROX, "Mike Christopherson Files Candidacy for District 1B Representative," May 24, 2024. Candidate campaign website.
Photo of Mike Christopherson
Photo of Mike Christopherson
Candidate Facebook page.

Election Details

Number of state/federal offices sought Number of campaigns Number of winning campaigns
1 1 0
Date Election Stage Party Votes Percent Result
11/05/2024 State House, District 01B General Democratic-Farmer-Labor 6,791 32.74% Lost