Joris C. (J.C.) Norby Candidate

Born: October 1858
Klæbu, Midt-Norge
Trøndelag County
Resided: Ada, Minnesota
Norman County
Death: December 29, 1902
Gender: Man
Occupation: Editor and publisher, Norman County Herald.
Political Party: People's
Offices Held: Norman County District Court Clerk (1886-1888). Norman County Auditor. Ada City Council President.
Notes: Norby came to the United States in 1871. He moved to Norman County in 1882.
Sources: Norway Census, 1865. United States Census, 1900. The Minneapolis Journal, March 14, 1900 (p. 16). Wilmar Tribune, January 3, 1903 (p. 1).
No image available for Joris C. (J.C.) Norby
No image available for Joris C. (J.C.) Norby

Election Details

Number of state/federal offices sought Number of campaigns Number of winning campaigns
1 2 0
Date Election Stage Party Votes Percent Result
11/04/1902 State House, District 61 General People's 910 43.86% Lost
11/06/1900 State House, District 61 General People's 1,329 48.42% Lost