Governor, 1936 Election

Primary Democrat

Date: June 15, 1936
Cycle: 1936
Office: Governor
State: Minnesota
District: Statewide
Candidate Gender Party Votes Percent Margin
Fred A. Curtis Man Democrat 66,324 53.31 +6.63
Edward E. (E.E.) Novak Man Democrat 58,080 46.69

Curtis was a resident of South St. Paul.

Nowak was a physician from New Prague.

After the primary, Curtis was sued by Nowak’s campaign manager, William Fitzharris, in Dakota County district court to set aside the nomination alleging Curtis had misrepresented Nowak and violated the Minnesota Corrupt Practices Act. Curtis (and U.S. Senate nominee Patrick Delaney) withdrew from the race in early October to coalesce support behind the Farmer-Laborite nominees (Elmer Benson and Ernest Lundeen respectively).


  • The Legislative Manual of the State of Minnesota, 1937 (p. 205).