Joseph E. (Joe) Therrien Candidate

Born: March 17, 1879
L'Assomption, Quebec
Lanaudière County
Resided: Pine City, Minnesota
Pine County
Death: October 7, 1953
Gender: Man
Occupation: Abstractor
Political Party: Democrat-People's; Nonpartisan
Offices Held: Pine County Auditor. Pine County Judge of Probate (1917-1920). State Representative: HD 56 (1923-1931, 1943-1947).
Sources: Minnesota Historical Society Death Certificate Index (1953-MN-012905). United States Social Security Applications and Claims Index. World War II Draft Registration Card (April 25, 1942). Minnesota Legislative Reference Library. United States Census, 1930. The Minneapolis Star, October 8, 1953 (p. 1).
Photo of Joseph E. Therrien
Photo of Joseph E. Therrien
43rd Minnesota Legislative Manual, Minnesota Digital Library.

Election Details

Number of state/federal offices sought Number of campaigns Number of winning campaigns
1 1 0
Date Election Stage Party Votes Percent Result
11/05/1952 State House, District 56 General Nonpartisan 3,304 41.61% Lost